We did it!

We have now successfully removed all of the “stuff” from Akupara!


IMG_0624There are 2 things left to take out, but I am not counting them as they are attached 😉 The stove and the aft head.


But I did at least get the stove off of the gimbals!

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So how exactly did we get all of this stuff off of Akupara you might ask, well, let me explain. It involves old rope and old milk crates. Anything of any importance whatsoever that we decided to keep (which at this point does involve a fair amount of unknown stuff), was carefully lowered down over the side of Akupara inside a milk crate. When I was by myself this necessitated climbing up and down the ladder countless times. When the admiral was helping, it was a lot easier as she was below and would empty the “stuff” into our vehicles. Today we managed to fill both vehicles!

The items that we left on board are electrical wire, chemicals that we may need during the upcoming process and some of the tools that the previous owner had left behind, as well as all spare engine parts.

We spent another 5 hours today. Which puts our running total at 53 hours just to clean Akupara out in order to start the refit. We are also not counting the time it takes to unload the vehicles after each trip. This is just the time spent on Akupara.

We also had out first guest on board today! A good friend of ours came by for a visit. He was graciously positive, although his eyes betrayed his utter amazement at the thought of a project this big and he is no stranger to boats and the work involved in restoring them. He brought us fresh hot coffee at the perfect time that we needed a break! I think we also somehow guilted him into coming to our Sanding Party! Invitations will be sent out soon so anyone who is interested, speak up, pack your sander, and we will supply the beer and sandpaper! 😉 42′ times a ballpark average of 8′ equals approximately 336 square feet of sanding surface to practice your sanding skills on!! 🙂







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